Deloitte has received 300 orders from staff wishing to join its salary sacrifice scheme since launching the initiative three months ago.

It hopes 1,000 of its 12,000 employees will sign up by the end of the year.

The company now plans to roll out its scheme as a template for other organisations to adopt.

It is in talks with several companies and expects the first to sign up later this year.

Software is also being developed for leasing companies to offer the salary sacrifice scheme to their fleet customers.

It will go live at the end of next month and will enable leasing companies to either link into Deloitte’s website or offering the product via their own web portals.

The salary sacrifice scheme, dubbed an all-employee scheme by Deloitte, is based around offering cars below 120g/km CO2 emissions to employees who do not qualify under the company car programme.

It is modelled on wholelife costs and is calculated on a two-year period.

Staff give up a portion of their salary to cover the cost of the car, but the rise in benefit-in-kind is a lot lower than the reduction in tax from the salary given up.

The company saves salary and National Insurance costs.

Mike Moore, Deloitte director of Global Employer Services, says there is a clear distinction between providing cars to employees that aren’t currently entitled to one and running a normal company car programme as a salary sacrifice scheme.

“To make an all-employee scheme work you need critical mass, for example, thousands of employees,” he said.

“That’s because you need hundreds of people to join the scheme to make it viable.”

However, he believes all company car fleets would benefit from offering salary sacrifice as an alternative to their existing company car policy.

“It’s a better way of costing for perk cars because it is underpinned by the wholelife cost approach.

"And it reduces CO2.”

It’s also perfect for companies with large grey fleets.

“A company can typically save £500 per car over two years on a sub 120g/km car.

"And drivers can save hundreds of pounds per month on a like-for-like PCP,” Moore said.

Although Deloitte’s scheme is limited to sub-120g/km CO2, the company says salary sacrifice works for any type of car, even those above the 160g/km threshold.