A new in-vehicle, video-based safety system has been launched which, is claimed, will cut road traffic accidents and reduce fleet insurance premiums.

The ALERT (Automated Live Event Recording Technology) system uses G-Force and speed sensors to identify and capture more than 50 types of unsafe driving actions and distractions, such as swerving, sudden braking and tailgating.
Video and audio data is recorded 15 seconds before and after a triggered event and wirelessly uploaded to a secure web database for analysis.

The recording unit is attached to the windscreen behind the rear view mirror. It is activated by a GPS-based speed trigger or by a driver’s manual activation button.

A company spokesman said: “The system protects drivers from false claims and security threats. By far the majority of accidents are caused by non-professional road users. ALERT exonerates the professional driver by providing visual proof of fault in disputes which also reduces exposure to lawsuits and fraudulent claims.”