Fleet operators are mounting a campaign to get HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to change the way it reviews and sets Advisory Fuel Rates (AFRs).

They are angry that the bi-annual rates reviews often leave their drivers out of pocket when reclaiming business mileage.

The latest rates, which come into force on July 1, have been cut for all diesel cars at a time when fuel prices are rising (Fleet News June 11).

Now ACFO, the association representing car fleet operators, is lobbying HMRC and has a meeting arranged for the start of July.

Its preference is for HMRC to review the rates quarterly, although other options could include monthly reviews and rates based on average fuel prices over a set period.

"Our concern is that drivers could be out of pocket for each business mile they travel on behalf of their employer," said ACFO chairman Julie Jenner.

"I urge fleet operators who are concerned about the rates to contact me so we can build a comprehensive case for change."

Although Jenner concedes that fleets are stuck with the new rates for now, she added: "If we can make a strong enough case, we can get it changed.

"These rates need to be reviewed quarterly."

Ann Dukanovic, fleet manager at Kaba Door Systems, agreed: "A quarterly review would be prudent and welcome."

Debbie Floyde, Bauer Media group fleet/risk manager and secretary of the ACFO East Anglia region, believes employers could face a backlash from staff at a time when many are enduring wage freezes.

"I¹m appalled at the reduction in view of the increasing fuel costs," she said.

"I am sure there will be many complaints ."

Another fleet manager, who wished to remain anonymous, believed that the latest AFR would "promote fraudulent activity", with drivers adding phantom miles to their claims to ensure they aren¹t left short.

An HMRC spokesman said it would not revise rates before December.

"Fuel prices may rise or fall but HMRC cannot guesstimate what they may be," she said.

"The approach we use is therefore the fairest basis."

Do you think the AFR is unfair to fleet drivers? Have your say at www.fleetnews.co.uk/forum

Contact ACFO chairman Julie Jenner with your AFR comments at julie.jenner@acfo.org