The future of Lombard Vehicle Management, the fourth largest lease company in the country with almost 110,000 under its management, is in question.

Lombard’s troubled owner, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, which was nationalised earlier this year, is reviewing all of its non-core Lombard businesses, including the vehicle management arm.

According to a spokesman the ongoing review is investigating what the potential options are for the business and is part of a strategy to rebuild the bank over the next three to five years.

“We are considering potential options for the future of a small number of specialist business units in our Lombard business,” he said.

However, he assured Lombard Vehicle Management’s customers and suppliers that it is business as usual. He also stressed that the business is not for sale.

“We would stress that while we work through this review process both customers and suppliers will not see any change to their service proposition and indeed our immediate priority is to ensure customers and suppliers of all Lombard businesses continue to experience the levels of service they have previously enjoyed,” he said.