The RAC said fleet drivers are responsible for more than 13,500 days’ downtime because of a lack of basic vehicle maintenance knowledge.

A puncture and the need to change a wheel was the number one reason for a call out, accounting for 51,349 call outs - the equivalent of 2,140 days lost in 2008 - according to RAC data.

However, it is now common practice for company drivers not to attempt to change a wheel. Instead, for health and safety reasons, most are instructed to call for roadside assistance. In addition, some cars do not include a spare wheel.

“We are aware that many companies have a policy that prohibits changing a tyre themselves,” said Frank Flynn, technical information manager for RAC.

“Should a fleet driver experience a puncture, they should always be aware of their company’s policy and adhere to that.”

Along with punctures, the other “avoidable” incidents according to the RAC were: general tyre care, such as excessive wear; flat batteries; misfuelling; and drivers locking themselves out of their cars.

The RAC data equates to nearly 115,000 fleet breakdowns, which it says is equivalent to 13,715 lost days.