A study into the rise in the light commercial vehicle (LCV) sector has been announced by the Commission for Integrated Transport (CfIT).

CfIT, which provides the government with advice on policy issues, wants to explore the increase in van use over recent years, the impact of this increase on congestion and the environment and related issues such as safety.

Van traffic has risen by some 40% during the last decade and there are now over three million registered LCVs.

Richard Turner, former chief executive of the Freight Transport Association is leading the project.

“There remains a real lack of knowledge about this sector,” said Turner.

“This study will be one of the first attempts to really get to grip with this complex area, to find out why there has been so much growth and to assess the impacts of any likely future growth in the market.

“The study will also plug some major gaps in our knowledge of this flexible business tool so that policy makers in both Westminster and Brussels can make informed decisions without harming the vital role that vans play in our economy.

CfIT is asking organisations, operators and individuals involved in the LCV sector, or with an interest in it, to get in touch so that a full range of views and knowledge can be included in the study.

Anyone interested in contributing should contact David Prescott on david.prescott@dft.gsi.gov.uk

The report is expected to be published next year.