There will be 500 electric vehicle charging points throughout Britain within a year.

The Government's Ultra Low Carbon Vehicle Demonstrator scheme, which aims to accelerate a shift towards low-emissions motoring, will pave the way for the creation of the new recharging network.

As part of the scheme, eight demonstrator programmes have committed to installing more than 500 roadside, car park, business and home charging stations by June 2010.

The majority will be produced and installed by Elektromotive.

The Government’s Technology Strategy Board confirmed last week that eight separate consortia – involving car manufacturers, power companies, regional development agencies and academic bodies – will each receive a portion of a new £25 million funding grant.

The consortia will co-ordinate trials of approximately 340 electric vehicles and plug-in electric hybrid cars in London, Glasgow, North-East England, the West Midlands and Oxford.

Many of the new charging stations that will be installed around the UK are Elektrobays, identical to those 160 already sited in London and in other locations around the UK.

“This is a hugely significant project that will place the UK at the forefront of global efforts to accelerate widespread uptake of electric vehicles,” said Calvey Taylor Haw, managing director for Elektromotive.

“This initiative will enable us to bring forward moves to deploy all-new 32 amp fast charge technologies, as well as our EBConnect remote monitoring and billing system.”

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