Write to Stephen Briers

Mischarging ‘often result of administrative error’

I read with interest your story “Garages accused of fleet rip-off”, (May 21). 1link Service Network e-commerce platform is used by fleets to buy service and maintenance. 

From our experience, we would have to say that instances of dealer mischarging are relatively rare – even bearing in mind that the use of the platform brings a high degree of accountability to the whole SMR purchasing process and therefore encourages a more transparent approach by suppliers. 

When mischarging does occur, it tends to be more often the result of administrative error on the part of the dealer. 

We’d suggest that fleet managers who believe that they are being habitually mischarged should probably look closely at their SMR purchasing process from the ground up, looking at both the suppliers they use and the way in which they authorise work – and that e-commerce technology could perhaps provide the kind of control they are ultimately seeking.

Ken Trinder
Head of business development, epyx

See story


Repairers are closely watched

Fundamentally, this is a question of trust. Leasing companies generally watch repairers very carefully and audit every item of work. That’s why I would urge caution if any company is considering dropping the maintenance element of a contract.

If you think garages are over-charging, then that’s exactly the time you should be employing a company with the specialist skills necessary to keep an eye on them, i.e. a leasing company. If, however, you also have a trust issue with your leasing company, then perhaps you’re with the wrong one?

Jim Blair
Arnold Clark Vehicle Management


Ask an expert

Any fleet can engage an accident management company to ensure their repair costs are as low as possible and it will not cost the fleet a penny.

A reputable accident management company will give the fleet access to qualified engineers who control all repair costs from a position of knowledge and experience. 

It will also cut down on the off-road time, ensuring less disruption for the fleet.

Such reputable organisations are able to advise on risk management and duty of care so the fleet can cut the number of accidents each year. 

It’s easy to avoid being ripped off – simply use an expert. And it’s free.

Philip da Silva
Chief executive Officer, Elite Incident Management


No joke for struggling dealers

What a joke. We have dealers going out of business or struggling to make a profit. 

I found your article disgusting, particularly when most of the leasing companies are owned by the major banks which caused the downturn.

Mr A
via the fleetnews.co.uk message board