It is all change again at the Department for Transport after road safety minister Jim Fitzpatrick was moved to DEFRA.

His departure follows last week's resignation of his boss Geoff Hoon, the secretary of state for transport.

Geoff Hoon's successor is Lord Andrew Adonis, who himslef was replaced by Sadiq Khan.

Fitzpatrick's successor has been named as Paul Clark who takes on the portfolio of road safety, aviation and maritime.

Chris Mole has also joined the DfT as a minister.

He will take responsibility for the national networks and 'corporate', overseeing the management of the department.

He comes from his position as assistant government whip.

Mole has also been asked to act as Parliamentary Assistant to the Regional Minister for the East of England Barbara Follett.

Commenting on Fitzpatrick's departure, John Lewis, chief executive of the BVRLA, said:

“Jim is a big loss. He has really engaged with business and the road transport sector. The Department for Transport has only just issued a consultation paper on the future of its road safety strategy, so his departure could not have come at a worse time.

"We hope that the Government keeps road safety at the top of its agenda and doesn’t let this re-shuffle damage its momentum.”