It is now more important to return to because, from this week, the print version of Fleet News will be published fortnightly rather than weekly.

With many readers taking breaks over the summer, the decision was taken to move to a fortnightly format over the summer months.

The fleet industry’s leading publication will continue to provide all the in-depth news and analysis that readers have become accustomed to, but from July 16 it will come in a double-sized fortnightly issue.

The issues and their themes over the summer will be


  • July 16: Fleet funding and finance – choosing the best options for your fleet
  • July 30: New technology – vehicle and equipment
  • August 13: Fleet safety - drivers and vehicles
  • August 27: The eco issue

To ensure you continue to have access to up-to-the-second news in the industry, the website will be updated throughout the day with features, in-depth analysis and, of course, breaking news and exclusive scoops.

To get easier access to this latest news, a stream service is now located in the top central panel of this site and can be viewed as soon as you log on.

"It is all about ensuring we give our readers the information they need in the most suitable format, when they want it,” said Fleet News editor Stephen Briers.

"To ensure we continue to serve those readers who want instant news updates, we continue to improve the website’s homepage and news content with regular updates and those exclusive stories that set us apart.”