The vehicle being driven by the businessman jailed for 22 months after causing the death of a young boy while driving without a licence was registered to his wife.

It was originally believed that the car was registered as a business vehicle (see ).

David Lunn, 61, from Wrexham was convicted of causing death by driving while unlicensed and uninsured, as well as perverting the course of justice.

The company director of Shropshire-based Premier Bodies Ltd drove off after hitting Robbie Gaunt, 9, who later died.

But, while the incident reinforced the need for companies to be vigilant and have sound procedures in place for checking drivers’ licences, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) revealed that as the vehicle was registered to his wife a prosecution under Corporate Manslaughter or any breach of health and safety legislation was not sought.

Risk assessments are critical for fleets, with employers obliged to implement measures in line with health and safety legislation and their duty of care responsibilities when providing company vehicles to employees.