Carsite, the internet-based auctions business, has seen a leap in ex-fleet car sales as more buyers turn to the web.

The company has reported twice as many sales on behalf of its leasing industry disposal partners so far in 2009 compared with the same period last year.

And its conversion ratio – the number of site visits generating a sale – has improved by 40%.

July saw ex-fleet car sales to the public via Carsite’s multi-platform e-Retail system leap by 190% compared with the same month last year.

And against a backdrop of the credit crunch and reductions in used car retail sales via the traditional dealer route, Carsite has so far doubled its sales to the public compared with the same period last year.

Many of these sales have been via Carsite’s ‘Preview’ platform, which markets cars to consumers while still on contract – removing the ‘dead’ time leasing operators typically undergo between end of contract and disposal into the trade.

Carsite director of sales Alistair Jeff said: “Our website visits in July were up by 266% against the same month last year but what really counts for our disposal partners is that the ratio of actual car sales to visits has improved by 40%.

“In other words, our growth in sales is faster than our growth in site traffic.

“These figures tell us that even when consumers are low on confidence, the right way of selling cars online will win their trust. In turn that pays dividends for our remarketing partners by selling their stock faster and for higher returns than they might achieve elsewhere.”