Rob Wentworth-James, head of sales and marketing at fleet management specialist CLM is embarking on a strenuous 48-hour cycle ride to Paris in aid of Breast Cancer Care and the RSPCA.

He'll be completely unsupported, armed only with a tooth brush. And he’d really appreciate some fleet backing.

Wentworth-James is hoping to complete the journey, estimated at between 270 and 340 miles, depending on the route you take, in just two days.

In the company of life-long friend Nick Robinson, he will be setting off from Big Ben, bound for the Eiffel Tower, on September 4, crossing the Channel at Dover and hoping to arrive at the iconic French landmark just two short and leg-weary days later.

“We would be delighted if companies could get behind us and give us their backing," said Wentworth-James.

"Whatever amount, large or small, would be gratefully received, especially as it’s in aid of two very worthy causes."

Anyone wishing to support the pair’s marathon effort and make a donation to either of the two charities can do so by logging on to or
and making a donation.