Renault UK's fleet and commercial vehicle sales director Keith Hawes is to step down from his role and will leave the company on Friday (September 18).

Hawes has been with Renault UK for 21 years, and for the past 10 years has headed up the fleet department. He is leaving to pursue other interests.

He will be replaced by Darren Payne, who joins from his role as used vehicle sales marketing and operations director for GM UK and Ireland. His previous roles include being a director of GM UK Leasing and GM national fleet sales manager.

Renault has endured a torrid time in fleet sales - down nearly 70% for the year to date. Much of this is down to the decision to pull away from short-cycle business such as daily rental supply. However, the legacy of reliability problems with the previous generation Laguna has also seen Renault's fleet popularity wane, and the new Laguna has so far endured a lukewarm reception among fleet buyers.