Masterlease is urging fleet managers to ‘drive their drivers’ towards positive behaviours behind the wheel.

The company argues that despite the recession and Government policy focus majoring upon engine size and CO2 emissions, only lip service has been paid to drivers.

Head of marketing Robert Kingdom says: “Driving the Driver’ should become the new mantra for corporates with large fleets seeking to unleash the full potential of their people to cut carbon and costs.

"This is based upon encouraging the right behaviours for the right reasons to get the right results.

"It is an engagement, empowerment and educational journey that can save UK plc millions of pounds in terms of less wear and tear on the vehicles, fewer ‘at fault’ accidents, reduced fuel and emissions and greater RV for the car at the end of its lease life.”

It is advocating driver training as well as motivating drivers.

“Motivating employees is a process of supplying incentives that will encourage, inspire, cultivate and influence individuals to act in a desired way to achieve specific goals.

"Motivation cannot force employees to work safely, but the provision of a work environment where employees can drive safely, comfortably and in conformity with company procedures and policies will make a significant difference,” he says.