Contract hire company ING is poised to launch Greencare, an environmental programme that enables its fleet customers to benchmark their performance against each other.

Accessed via ING’s website, fleets can assess individual vehicles on CO2, NOx, mpg, mileage and safety criteria. All the data is pulled from ING’s management system and shows the individual fleet performance against the ING funded fleet average and the best performing fleet.

Companies can also upload their own information for non-ING funded vehicles, for the grey fleet and for rental vehicles to provide a full picture of their environmental performance.

Greencare has been on trial with a couple of fleets for the past two months and will be officially launched as a free-of-charge added value service at the end of September. It has been back-loaded with three years’ worth of data showing month-by-month trends.

Diarmuid Fahy, ING fleet risk manager who is responsible for the new product, said: “Greencare enables fleets to see exactly where the problem vehicles are. It gives the fleet manager the tools to manage their fleet.”

Fleets can find out their carbon output and their annual fuel costs based on manufacturer figures. They can also export to Excel spreadsheets and merge with their actual fuel consumption figures. Graphs can be copied into a report for board presentations to support fleet strategy plans, particularly the argument replace high emitting vehicles with lower CO2 alternatives.

ING is developing a modelling tool to add to Greencare which will show fleets the alternatives to existing models. A report will reveal how much carbon emissions and fuel consumption will fall – and calculate the wholelife cost savings to the fleet - by selecting these alternatives.