An online survey of over 1,000 company car drivers has found that just 48% have read the Highway Code since passing their driving test.

In addition, The Leasedrive Velo Group survey found just 74% drivers knew that 70mph was the national speed limit on dual carriageways.

And a slightly better 79% correctly identified 60mph as the national speed limit on single carriageways.

However, over 99% correctly stated that the national speed limit on motorways was 70mph.

Just 45% knew the minimum safe distance to be two seconds from the car in front.

Although of those who didn't know, erred on the cautious side, with 49% saying the time interval should be three seconds.

Ninety per cent of drivers also correctly answered that they should take a break every two hours.

Worryingly, 15% of drivers surveyed had not had their eyes tested in over two years.

The results revealed that there is "room for improvement, something that could quickly be addressed by a refresher of the Highway Code," said Roddy Graham, commercial director at Leasedrive Velo Group said.

"With around 200 road deaths and serious injuries every week involving someone driving at-work, clearly that is a good enough incentive for at-work drivers to become more familiar with the rules of the road.

"After all, about a quarter of all vehicle miles driven annually are for work purposes and that does not even take into account commuting to and from work," he added.