UK van fleet operators have been urged to take part in a review of regulations after it emerged that the proposals could end up with vans under 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight having tachographs fitted by law.

Such a move would cause the biggest upheaval in the history of the van fleet industry and would cost operators millions of pounds in installation and operating charges, along with extra wage costs.

The review of the UK’s domestic drivers’ hours rules is being undertaken by the Department for Transport and operators have until October 13 to make their views known.

At present, only vehicles above 3.5 tonnes are required to carry a tachograph – but already a great number of Fleet Van readers believe that this review spells the end of a golden age of less regulated smaller vans.

Fleet Van’s sister title Fleet News carried out a survey and some 60% of respondents said they believed the review was the first step towards tachographs for all.

  • Copies of the consultation can be downloaded from: