Pecan CCTV has launched Vu-Box – a satellite navigation-sized two-channel digital data recorder for video and audio using GPS technology.

Specially designed to discreetly record images both inside and in front of any vehicle, the Vu-Box can track and trace every journey, providing mobile vehicle security for both commercial and private drivers.

Powered by the cigarette lighter, the built-in GPS system records the vehicle’s location, speed and direction, while a G-force sensor is included to record multiple impact points.

Other features include emergency or continuous recording and the unit comes complete with a memory card and PC-viewer software.

Director Jess Johns said: “The VU-BOX is an exciting new product that offers transport/fleet operators - of anything from delivery vans, cash in transit vehicles, rental cars and taxis to ambulances and fire engines - the opportunity to provide added safety and security for their drivers by recording each and every road trip.”