A consultation on the use of small electric personal vehicles has been launched by the Department for Transport Andrew Adonis.

The consultation seeks views on the principle of changing the law to permit the use of small electric personal vehicles (EPVs) on public roads and cycle tracks.

It does not include consideration of their use on pedestrian footways or footpaths.


Andrew Adonis said: "New technologies can offer new opportunities and this consultation offers the chance for a full consideration of the issues around electric personal vehicles.

"We want to hear from groups and individuals with opinions and evidence on whether the law should be changed to permit such vehicles on public roads and cycle tracks.

"We will then consider all the responses carefully before deciding whether any further action is required."

At present any EPV which does not comply with existing road traffic law may only be used on private land, with the landowner's permission.

The Department for Transport is also launching a consultation on electrically-assisted pedal cycles.

The proposals in this consultation will provide greater clarity on whether a product is considered to be an electrically-assisted pedal cycle or a motor vehicle.

It also addresses harmonising our regulations with European standards.