Masternaut tracking enables fleets to monitor and encourage safer driving behaviour, reducing speeding and guiding drivers to more suitable and safe routes. Driving performance is automatically monitored including the recording of vehicle speed against the speed limit at any point on a journey. Excessive fuel consumption and even rapid breaking or acceleration can also be reported to build a profile of driver habits using a driver ID key.

“As well and protecting staff on the road by encouraging safer driving, Masternaut provides vital intelligence on routes and jobs completed versus the planned schedules. This allows proper work planning, job schedule optimisation and better route planning to reduce the time pressure on the driver,” says Martin Port, MD of Masternaut UK.

If a vehicle exceeds the speed limit or strays off the designated route, the system immediately alerts the fleet management team as well as the driver, enabling them to take corrective action. The system also provides Highways Agency camera feeds so fleet managers and their teams get a live view of road conditions and can amend their routes and schedules on-the-fly.

“The real-time functionality of the system gives the fleet management team a bird’s-eye view of each driver’s progress, which allows them to amend schedules as necessary. With this information they can keep customers informed of any changes to scheduled deliveries, etc, so there really is no need for excessive speed,” adds Port.

Romec has reduced speeding by 82 per cent and cut fines by 26 per cent and has seen a 28 per cent reduction in road traffic accidents involving Romec staff.

“We've installed Masternaut GPS vehicle tracking systems for all engineers. This will work alongside our scheduling software and allow us to provide 24 hour accountability. The impact of the system has been extremely positive in reducing speeding and RTAs involving our people and associated endorsements and fines,” says Lee Russell, IS Business Partner, Romec.

Total Foodservice Solutions uses the system in conjunction with the SAFED training programme. This is saving 10 per cent in annual fuel costs by encouraging drivers to conform to speed limits and consequently improving MPG.

“The Masternaut system has made a big difference....because we get a real time view of the fleet, we are able to work with our drivers to encourage them to conform to speed limits. This not only makes them safer drivers it has also reduced our annual fuel bill by 10 per cent,” says Paul Nowell, operations manager.