A webinar presented by RAC Fleet Risk Management on Monday November 29, 2010 will provide fleet decision-makers with valuable advice on how to prepare for winter and reduce risks for their drivers in bad weather.

The programme can be viewed by anyone with a computer and internet connection and will feature senior RAC risk management professionals. Dave Abbott spent 30 years in the police force before transferring his skills to the driver training industry. He now provides risk management and driver training services for RAC. Steve Whitmarsh heads up the Fleet and Commercial Services team at RAC and has responsibility for more than 1.5 million vehicles.

Marcus Noble, head of RAC Risk Management said, “Fleet operators will get a lot out of this hour-long audience with two of the most experienced risk experts in the fleet business. Every year we hear stories of drivers being caught out by bad weather conditions and accident figures go up during the winter months. But good preparation and increased awareness can reduce the likelihood of an accident considerably.”