Map icons that change colour with a vehicle’s speed have been added to the Quartix pay-as-you-go online tracking system.

“It’s extremely easy to understand,” explained Andy Kirk, sales and marketing director. “An operator can by glancing at their screen whether a driver is travelling a little too fast, crawling along because of heavy traffic or for some reason has stopped completely.

“Each fleet’s vehicle is shown in real-time. It’s possible to see exactly what’s happening, and where, twenty-four hours a day.

“In addition, all historical data are held so it can be used at any time for health and safety/performance reviews.”

Today, Quartix pay-as-you-go accounts for 67% of the company’s overall sales.

“In 2010, thanks to innovative features such as our latest speeding reports, we anticipate PAYG will account for 80% of sales, with lease-finance and outright purchase taking up the remaining 20%,” added Kirk.