CBVC has announced that it now has over 1,500 vehicles using its fleet management solution for SMEs, which is based on FleetWave software from Chevin Fleet Solutions.

CBVC is using FleetWave to allow companies with anything from two to 250 cars to better manage their vehicle fleets, as well as any other assets they may want to keep a close eye on.

CBVC director Michael Manners said: “Our product is specifically aimed at companies who have sufficient vehicles to create a headache, yet cannot justify the cost of a full time fleet manager.

“It’s amazing how many times we speak to a company where the vehicle fleet is managed by the MD’s secretary - it’s just a natural consequence of a business growing organically.

"The secretary is usually doing a decent job, but we provide a professional fleet manager on a part time basis and back them up with state of the art technology from Chevin.”