Mondial Assistance is launching Direct Assist, which will initially be available for iPhone users, but will be launched to other Smartphones in due course.

It embraces automatic geo-localisation allowing users to request roadside assistance at the touch of an icon.

Direct Assist is a white label product that will be branded in the name of Mondial Assistance motor manufacturer clients, helping them meet the needs of their customers, whilst enhancing customer retention offers, such as assistance and warranty renewals.

Customers requesting roadside assistance launch their manufacturer branded roadside assistance iPhone app, select the service they need and enter their vehicle details.

Using GPS technology, the customer’s exact location is pinpointed, helping customer service representatives identify the nearest available assistance resource. Once the service is confirmed, the iPhone app delivers the estimated time of arrival direct to the caller’s phone.

Utilising the phone’s built-in GoogleMaps facility, if towing or on-site repair isn’t necessary, the application informs customers of the nearest workshop or dealer, offering access to a list of the nearest 10. The customer can automatically contact these providers or map the route to get there.

“Direct Assist can be branded and tailored to the needs of any of our clients, offering them a new dimension to their roadside assistance package,” explained Lee Taylor, automotive director for Mondial Assistance.

“By harnessing the latest technology, we are offering our client’s customers the additional peace of mind that comes from having, fast, easy access to their manufacturer roadside assistance services.”