Paul Holmes, formerly Head of AA Risk Management Solutions, has been appointed director of the FleetSafe division of AA DriveTech, the AA Group brand responsible for all fleet-related training and driver risk management activities.

“Before the AA and DriveTech came together we had different, but often complementary product offerings,” said Holmes.

“We will not only be amalgamating and refining those but, thanks to the AA’s vast resources, be developing new ones which will give our customers unrivalled choice in meeting their needs. Although ‘one stop shop’ is a very over-used phrase these days it really does apply in our case.”

AA DriveTech is already able to provide a range of risk-reducing products for business drivers – online risk assessments; online driver education modules, corporate risk audits; licence checking; on and off road training; topic-specific educational workshops; ‘permits to drive’; policy document templates – and will be announcing further developments in the weeks and months to come.