Leasing company Alphabet and professional services firm Ernst & Young are hosting a salary sacrifice event on March 23, in London.

Ernst & Young will describe recent experiences of working with large corporate clients on salary sacrifice for cars schemes, while Alphabet will give details of its Motivational Leasing product, which can be used by company car drivers and cash takers as well working as a cost-effective benefit for employees who are not eligible for a company car.

Other topics to be covered will include the HMRC's approach to salary sacrifice schemes; new thinking about the provision of cars; and examples of how employers are making use of salary sacrifice.

Alphabet director Mark Sinclair said: "Organisations are looking for fresh ways to deliver employee benefits while containing or reducing costs for their business.

“Motivational Leasing for cars is attracting particular interest because cars' significant benefit value is reflected in the scale of potential savings for both the employee and employer."

For more information on Motivational Leasing or the salary sacrifice event, call Alphabet on 0870 50 50 100.