Safety charity Brake has called on politicians to take action on road safety by confirming its next 10-year strategy to reduce accidents.

Speaking at the Brake annual reception, trustee and Fentons solicitor Deborah Johnson criticised the Government for living “in the stone age” on drink drive limits.

While other countries have trace only limits and check one in two drivers every year, “we check under 2% of drivers – offenders know it and risk it”, she said.

“We are only now considering reducing our drink drive limit from a shamefully high limit, only just considering making drug driving illegal, and still haven’t approved drug testing devices.”

Johnson fired another broadside at the Government for its slowness in introducing restrictions on young drivers and the lack of urgency on tackling speeding drivers.

Brake’s Road Safety Week in November will focus on speed and the fact that 10 children are killed or seriously injured on foot and bikes every day with the theme ‘Kids Say Slow Down’.

“The message to politicians and civil servants is thank you for the words and the thinking and the planning,” said Johnson.

“Now let’s see the action, confirmed in a strong 10-year strategy. Or in simpler terms, put your money where your mouth is.”