A RoSPA initiative which identified a need for further skills and training among young people who drive for work has culminated in the creation of a free online toolkit to enable employers to run their own in-house workshops.

Their launch marks the final stage of RoSPA’s two-year young drivers at work project, funded by the Department for Transport.

The workshop is designed to be led by fleet, human resources or health and safety managers, or by road safety professionals, and is for 17-24-year-old employees who drive as part of their job, no matter what their role.

Ideal for groups of 10-15 participants, it addresses a range of issues raised by both employers and young drivers in a study conducted at the start of the project, as well as covering some of the common causes of accidents. It encourages participants to discuss their own experiences of driving for work and to identify how personal tendencies can lead to unsafe situations, in addition to covering wider issues such as deadline pressures, unfamiliar vehicles and travelling to new locations.

Participants discuss and develop strategies for what they can do to drive safer and what their employers can do to help them achieve this. After the workshop, it is intended that drivers will put their strategies into action. The importance of good journey planning is a particular focus.

The workshop discussions can also act as a gauge to how well an organisation’s work-related road safety policies are being adopted by their drivers in practice. Sessions can therefore add to an organisation's knowledge and help managers take steps towards improving the safety of their young employees.

Duncan Vernon, RoSPA’s road safety manager for England, said: “Young drivers and occupational drivers are among the most vulnerable users of our roads. We are extremely proud of the highly-practical outcome of our project which addresses some of the fundamental skills needed for safe driving and encourages self-reflection.

“We know there can be considerable financial pressures in the workplace, particularly in smaller firms, and the Young Drivers at Work resources have been made freely downloadable so they reach as many people as possible.

“Road safety is a responsibility best shared between employers and employees and we hope the workshop will help honest communication between them. Ultimately, we hope the legacy of the Young Drivers at Work project will be fewer road accidents, meaning fewer people are killed or injured on our roads and businesses are able to avoid the costly losses that accidents bring.”

The online toolkit consists of an activity guide and facilitator’s notes, including guidance on how to evaluate a workshop.

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