The ETSC has been measuring EU countries progress since 2001 in tackling excessive speed, drink driving and non-use of seat belts which remain the three main killers on EU roads.

Data shows that drivers have slowed down appreciably since 2001. Best progress has been made on motorways, where 30% of drivers now exceed the speed limit. Unfortunately, speed violations are still up to 70% on rural roads and as many as 80% on urban roads.

Deaths attributed to drink driving have decreased somewhat faster than other road deaths since 2001 in the EU – by about 5.8% against 4.2% on average each year.

France, Germany, Sweden the UK and the Netherlands have the highest seat belt wearing rates, 95% and higher, for drivers and front seat passenger.

Seat belt reminders are a powerful tool in bringing up the rate of seat belts use. Across the EU, an estimated 12,400 occupants of light vehicles survived serious crashes in 2009 because they wore a seat belt.

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