Used car values at BCA showed a modest increase in June, with average values recovering most of the loss sustained in May to sit at £5,802, a £146 improvement over the previous month's figure of £5,656.  Performance against CAP Clean was broadly in line with last month at 96.68%. 

Year on year values, however, remain behind for the second month running, but by a lower margin than seen in May - just £48 separates the average values recorded in June 2009 from June 2010, compared to  £117 last month.

The primary driver of the value recovery was a change in model mix that saw a 16% uplift in the volume of premium fleet cars sold by BCA.  This volume increase in higher value stock was largely responsible for the overall increase in the average fleet/lease value and mitigated against price pressures across the board.

Although average fleet values improved marginally to £7,456 in June, this was largely due to the shifts in model mix over the month and average prices actually fell in two of the three main product sectors. 

While premium fleet models increased in value from £10,771 to £10,866 (up £95 or just under 1%), budget fleet/lease car values fell from £3,527 to £3,172 (down £355 or 9.9%), and volume cars fell from £5,670 to £5,509 (down £161 or 2.8%).  While sales of volume fleet models also increased, this was by just 7% over the month.  

Year-on-year comparisons show average fleet & lease values ahead by just over £400 in June, although CAP performance is down by more than five points.  Average age at disposal has fallen - but only marginally from 39.96 months to 39.45 - and average mileage at sale has decreased by some 600 miles to 47,005.  Taking the longer view, however, shows that fleet cars are slightly older when remarketed in 2010 - between 39 and 40 months rather than 38 and 39 as they were last year.