The number of drivers successfully prosecuted in England and Wales for driving on defective tyres has risen by 14% to more than 4,300 convictions.
The information, which relates to 2008, was been released by the Ministry of Justice in response to a parliamentary question by Stoke-on-Trent MP, Tristram Hunt. The figure is a seven year high, up from a low of 3,595 convictions in 2006.
“These latest figures show this is clearly not the case and that the court system still considers driving on illegal tyres a very serious offence," explains Stuart Jackson, chairman, TyreSafe.
Current law requires a minimum of 1.6mm tread depth across the central three quarters of the tyre, around its entire circumference.
Drivers who fail to comply with the regulations face a fine of up to £2,500 and three penalty points for each illegal tyre.
“We fully support the police’s efforts in clamping down on this dangerous behaviour and would encourage all drivers to take a few minutes every month to check their tyre’s tread depth, pressure and general condition,” continues Jackson. “Not only could the checks save you from a court prosecution, it could help save your life.”
October is tyre safety month, which is about educating drivers about the importance and simplicity of checking tyre tread depth.
Drivers who are unsure about how to check the condition of their tyres can visit one of the many hundreds of garages and tyre retailers who are offering free tyre safety checks as part of tyre safety month.
Alternatively, visit the TyreSafe website for more information and advice.
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