The introduction of Lysanda’s technology into the new TomTom ecoPLUS, will enable fleet managers to view information on fuel efficiency, driver behaviour and carbon footprint of a vehicle through the TomTom WEBFLEET system. 

On average savings of between 15 – 20 per cent can be realised through improving driving behaviour using the in-vehicle driver aid and management reporting tools. 

“We have partnered with Lysanda for the broad vehicle access they provide with their product. We can now offer control over both costs and carbon footprint for passenger cars, light commercial vehicles as well as heavy trucks” said Thomas Schmidt, managing director of TomTom business solutions. “This fits our strategy to provide fit-for-purpose and easy to use solutions to businesses.”

“This is a clear endorsement of our cutting edge technology by the world’s leading provider of location and navigation systems,” said Alexander Willard, CEO, Lysanda. “We have been working very closely with TomTom Business Solutions to deliver this technology and are delighted to partner with TomTom to bring the ecoPLUS device to market and thus contributing to the green and running cost ambitions of today’s businesses”. 

For more on telematics, come to the Fleet News driver management page for more information.