Fleet operators are being encouraged to run a ‘Bright Day’ this autumn by the charity Brake and partner Autoglass, to help save lives on roads. Bright Days are an opportunity to remind staff of the vital importance of looking out for people on foot and bicycle, particularly children on their way home from school, who are harder to spot as the evenings get darker.

Bright Days involve everyone wearing bright, reflective and day-glow clothes to work and making a donation to Brake, supporting its work to make roads safer and care for families whose lives are devastated by a road death or serious injury.

Organisations are encouraged to sign up now to run a Bright Day to coincide with the clocks going back (30 Oct), or in Road Safety Week, 21-27 November, coordinated by Brake. Companies who take part get a free resource pack to help them raise awareness and fundraise.

Bright Days help raise awareness of the 118 people hurt or killed on foot or bikes every day on British roads, reminding drivers to slow down and watch out for vulnerable road users. They also encourage everyone to ‘be bright, be seen’ themselves when walking and cycling, and are a crucial fundraiser for Brake – the project has raised over £4,500 so far during 2011.

As the clocks go back later this month, as well as raising awareness through Bright Days, Brake will also be speaking out in support of the Lighter Later campaign, which urges the government to put the clocks forward by an hour year-round.

Autoglas is the new national sponsor of Brake’s Bright Day initiative, and will be working with Brake to encourage organisations, schools and communities to take part and spread road safety awareness.