Organisations that have worked to improve fleet safety are being urged to enter the annual Fleet Safety Forum Awards for Excellence, organised by Brake, the road safety charity.

The awards will be presented at a gala dinner at the MacDonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham, on Thursday, June 14, 2012. For the first time, entries can be submitted online this year via The deadline for submitting an entry is Friday, March 16, 2012.

The awards, sponsored by ARVAL and now in their 10th year, recognise the achievements of those working to help reduce the number of costly, and in many cases fatal, road crashes involving at-work drivers. Last year's winners include CEMEX, Ocado and Tesco Dotcom.

Entries are invited from organisations running any type of fleet, and from companies that provide products or services to fleets, who have worked to improve safety. Awards are available in ten categories:

• Fleet Safety Innovation Award for the fleet service provider or fleet operator that has developed a pioneering approach to fleet safety in 2011 with greatest success.

• Fleet Safety Partnership Award for the fleet service provider and fleet operator partnership that has delivered the most outstanding results.

• Company Driver Safety Award for the organisation that has implemented initiatives that do most to promote safe driving among employees.

• Eco Fleet Award for the organisation that has done the most to improve safety and the environment by introducing green initiatives, from innovative travel plans, to fuel efficient driving and more.

• Fleet Safety Analysis and Action Award for the organisation that has implemented the most effective procedures for carrying out risk assessments, crash data analysis, and introducing tailored interventions.

• Fleet Safety Product Award for the product that does the most to improve fleet safety through innovation.

• Road Safety in the Community Award for the organisation that has worked hardest with its local community to improve road safety for all road users.

• Safe Vehicles Award for the organisation that has implemented the most effective maintenance procedures and technology to improve the safety of its vehicles.

• Road Risk Manager of the Year Award for the risk or fleet manager who has implemented exemplary road risk management policies with proven results.

• Kevin Storey Award for Outstanding Commitment to Road Safety for the individual who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in their commitment to road safety, not just within the company but also the wider community. Individuals cannot enter this Award themselves, but can nominate someone else within the industry by emailing

To see a full list of last year's results, visit and click on ‘Awards'.

Whether entering an award or not, organisations are invited to attend the awards dinner, which will include a drinks reception, three course meal, and an evening of entertainment, fundraising and dancing! Tickets cost £110 each or £1000 for a table of ten. As an extra incentive, a year's subscription to the Fleet Safety Forum is free with every table booking.

A charity auction and casino will take place on the night, with all funds going to Brake, the road safety charity, to help fund their life-saving educational work and care services for road crash victims.

Roslyn Cumming, development manager at Brake, said: "The Awards present a fantastic opportunity to receive recognition for your achievements in improving fleet safety. We had a record number of entries in 2011, with more and more fleets acting positively to manage risk and save lives, as well as having a positive impact on their organisations' bottom line and the environment. We hope to see the trend continuing into 2012, and urge all types of organisation to get involved by entering and participating in a great night's entertainment and networking."