Alphabet has won the over 500 fleet size category of the annual 2010 Fleeteye CSI survey. This is the second year Alphabet have won the over 500 category.

Mark Sinclair, director Alphabet, said: “This is great news and I’d like to thank our staff and our strategic suppliers for keeping Alphabet consistently at the forefront of fleet customer satisfaction. We have put a great deal of effort into ensuring that we remain the best for customer service at a time when Alphabet is growing strongly. Customer Service is at the heart of Alphabet and it is particularly gratifying to be recognised in successive years, especially as the Fleeteye survey covers all areas from products and services to vehicle ordering and delivery, communications, online facilities, reporting, billing and meeting our promises.”

2010 saw Alphabet enlarge its management team, strengthen its strategic partnerships with key suppliers and add to its already-comprehensive range of vehicle and driver management and funding products.

Fleeteye CSI polls customers of the UK’s leading leasing companies every month to measure their satisfaction with all aspects of post-sale service. The annual CSI awards go to the companies that have achieved the highest combined results across the entire year.