Following a request via the Department of UK Trade and Investment, Vauxhall Motors' Special Vehicles (SVS) division has demonstrated its Single Vehicle Architecture (SVA) equipped Insignia to over 100 senior members of the French police and its fleet procurement managers.

Held at the British Embassy in Paris, attendees included the head of procurement for French police, Thierry Robin, and Chief Inspector of the Association of Chief Police Officers Intelligent Transport Systems (ACPO ITS), Mick Trosh.

The invitation was extended following Vauxhall's exhibiting of the SVA-equipped Insignia, at theHome Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB) show earlier in the month.

SVA provides a standardised specification to which all manufacturers and suppliers can adhere, allowing them to produce common wiring for equipment and connection points in police vehicles. The deputation of French police attending HOSDB was so impressed with the partnership development work of Vauxhall SVO and ACPO ITS Working Group that it asked for an immediate demonstration to its full senior French police fleet team.

Manager for Vauxhall Vehicle Conversions Dick Ellam said: "We were delighted to be able to display and explain the benefits that SVA offers police fleets to such a receptive and influential audience.

"Vauxhall's partnership with ACPO ITS has already produced industry-leading results and substantial benefits to police fleets across technological standardisation, integration, and equipping and de-commissioning of vehicles, and we look forward to progressing that offering still further."