A new online system for monitoring response times and improving customer satisfaction levels has been introduced by Total Accident Management.

TAM360osi is an online tool that streamlines reporting and enables Total to react to customer issues within 24 hours. Having initially piloted the tool, Total have now rolled it out to all customers.

The new system can be used to monitor all jobs; from paintwork scratches to full vehicle recovery and repair. Customers can rate the quality of the repair, as well as the performance of individual suppliers, technicians and advisers involved in processing the job. The results are also analysed internally by Total to help identify staff training needs and help with the evolution of new processes and practices to improve overall satisfaction levels.

In addition to 360osi, Total carries out regular audits of its own suppliers on a rolling programme to ensure that the highest quality standards are maintained across its UK repairer network.

Ashley Jones, customer service manager at Total Accident Management: “360osi is designed to assess what makes a good customer experience and measure how well we interact with each customer when repairing their vehicle.”

“Responses are graded according to a traffic light system: for example, if a customer is not satisfied a ‘red alert’ is automatically flagged with the customer service team, prompting staff to respond as a priority to resolve any outstanding issues.”