Interactive Fleet Management has launched a suite of plain English guides to help and advise people who are new to the world of fleet management.

Under the banner of Essential Guides, the first three cover topics on fuel efficiency, grey fleets and risk management – all areas of increasing importance to fleet managers - and all are available free of charge.

“The whole area of fleet management has never been so diverse and complex,” said Stuart Menzies, commercial director of Kettering-based Interactive Fleet Management.

“With fuel costs rising, health and safety legislation becoming increasingly stringent and grey fleets becoming a far bigger challenge than ever before we decided to focus on these three areas in the first of our essential guides.

“Written as a set of simple one page, impartial guides they are designed to appeal to fleet managers who are new to their role, or members of staff who have been asked to run the vehicle fleet alongside other operational, human resource, financial or administrative duties.”

Designed as a quick read the Essential Guides have been written by Interactive Fleet Management’s team of fleet management specialists who believe there are far too many documents that over-complicate vehicle management issues.

“Many guides are challenging to digest and extremely long-winded,” concluded Menzies. “Our approach is to offer clear, concise and sound advice and we are always here at the end of the phone if anyone wishes to ask any questions.”

The Interactive Fleet Management Essential Guides are available free of charge by emailing