Drivers are at risk on 40% of Britain’s roads due to fading road markings in austerity Britain, claims Jim Fitzpatrick, shadow road safety minister.

The MP was responding to a survey by the Road Safety Markings Association which revealed a free-fall in the standard of markings on motorways and dual carriageways in Britain. 

According to the Lifelines survey 38% of markings on motorways and 36% on dual carriageways maintained by the Highways Agency in England need immediate or scheduled repairs.

Over 40% of markings on Scotland’s and Wales’ motorways and dual carriageways also need immediate replacement. The survey was the largest ever of Britain’s roads and covered 7250km of white lines in England, Scotland and Wales.

Fitzpatrick said: “Cutting back on our road markings means cutting back on safety. Markings make the road easy to read for the driver and are by far one of the most cost-effective safety solutions.

“The Department of Transport are watching the pennies whilst motorists are driving on unsafe roads. This is one basic safety feature we cannot cut back on.”

According to the Highways Agency’s own standard the amount of motorway markings needing immediate replacement has doubled from 8% to 17% in the past two years. Many in the industry believe this is causing safety issues and the DfT are failing to find a solution.