Two-thirds (66%) of drivers would feel safer on the road if fleet vehicles were fitted with telematics devices to monitor their driver’s behaviour, research suggests.

The survey was conducted by QBE, the business insurance specialist, which supports the use of this technology.

It says that the use of telematics will lead to fewer accidents and safer roads and ultimately more affordable insurance premiums for operators of professional motor fleets.

The survey found that older respondents were far more likely to favour the widespread use of telematics in fleets with nearly three quarters (74%) of over 55s saying they were in favour compared to 58% of under 35s.

One of the survey’s most striking aspects is that on average 17% of respondents, rising to 20% amongst under 35s, did not express a preference, suggesting that insurers have a an important role to play in effectively educating road users about the safety benefits these devices can bring.

Matthew Crane, managing director, motor, QBE, said: “Telematics devices enable us to identify problem drivers but it is the improvement of their performance that will ultimately reduce accidents and prevent harm. 

“At QBE we work closely with managers of motor fleets of all sizes and compositions to improve the quality of their teams’ driving. 

“We recently invited some fleet managers to the QBE Motor Academy in conjunction with Cranfield University where the human factors behind motor risks were explored.

“It was found that, in addition to the mechanical aspect of driving, factors like the timing and reason for the journey alongside the drivers’ own values impacted how drivers behave on the road. 

“With this knowledge we are able to support fleet managers in delivering the most impactful driver training programmes.”