The rising cost of fuel is causing 80% of UK motorists to cut down on the number of car journeys, according to a survey by Motorpoint.

Such a high percentage of people planning to take less car journeys can only be a worry for the economy and the UK’s automotive industry which, according to figures from the SMMT, contributes a typical net value of over £8.5bn and employs in excess of 700,000 people.

David Shelton, managing director, Motorpoint, said: “Our poll shows that rising fuel costs are seriously affecting today’s UK motorists and should be a warning to the Government that action is needed on fuel duty.

“We want people to enjoy owning a car again, without the burden of heavy taxes, which will in turn stimulate the economy. This is why we consistently offer the best savings on our cars, providing a viable way for cash strapped Brits to buy a car without breaking the bank.”