A diesel blend system that can be supplied with a finance proposition claims to offer fleet operators cost savings from day one.

Created by Cheshire-based LPG Fleet Solutions, the company says that it has been shown to deliver savings on fuel costs of up to 29% and it is offering fleet operators the opportunity to finance the installation of the system without having to commit to an initial capital outlay.

Whilst the specialist equipment is capable of being installed across a wide range of cars, car derived vans, trucks and HGVs, it has initially been specifically tailored for Ford Transits powered by the Euro 4 2.4l 115ps diesel engine.

The equipment is currently being developed for the latest Euro 5 generation engines and is expected to be available shortly.

Andrew Poole of LPG Fleet Solutions said: “We know that there are a lot of small to medium sized Euro 4 engine Ford Transit fleets operating in the UK, all of which would benefit massively from the diesel blend system.

“What’s more, we now have the figures to substantiate our claims following trials that have taken place with Amey Hertfordshire – one of the UK’s leading public service providers.”

Amey Hertfordshire carried out the trial on a 2.4l 115ps ford Transit van that was equipped with the standard diesel engine supplemented by LPG gas.

Deployed on mixed operations taking in both long distance and urban work, the trials proved extremely positive with the vehicle returning impressive MPG figures.

What’s more, both Amey drivers selected to use the vehicle commented that there was no discernable loss or increase in performance.

Keith Lloyd, logistics manager for Amey Hertfordshire, said: “I can confirm that the vehicle returned an impressive 29% net saving in fuel over the two week trial period and neither of the two drivers involved in the trial reported any performance issues with the vehicle, both during urban running and motorway work.

“As a result of the success of the trial, Amey Hertfordshire is now in discussions about converting its fleet of Ford Transit vehicles to incorporate the Diesel Blend system.”