Half of motorists disagree with a Government proposal to increase fixed penalty notices from £60 to £90, according to research by the IAM.

Fixed penalty notices can be given for a range of offences, but are most commonly associated with driving offences including speeding and jumping red lights.

Under the plans, the £30 increase will be used to give a £30 million cash boost to the fund for victims of crime and witnesses support.

Of the 1129 respondents, 51% disagreed with the proposal, 28% strongly, while 35% agreed with the proposal, and 13% neither agreed nor disagreed.

When asked what they would think if the money went into improving road safety as opposed to victim support in general, 80% were happier with this proposal.

When asked what the biggest deterrent to bad driving was, 68% identified the likelihood of being caught as the main motivating factor.

IAM chief executive Simon Best said: "While funding victims of crime is laudable, the real aim of fines for motoring offences should be deterrence.

"We want to stop people breaking the law. Having an income that relies on dangerous driving won't help reduce crashes. There is a strong case for this money to be spent on road safety."