Following a competitive tender process with a major insurer Inter-est UK is launching a pilot for its new online First Notification of Loss (FNOL)/Triage solution called Inter-cept.

Inter-cept assists FNOL handlers to quickly and accurately establish the most effective repair method for an accident damaged vehicle and direct work to the most appropriate facility.

By guiding the call centre to identify the extent of damage and directing work accordingly, Inter-cept should reduce VOR (vehicle off road) time, improve customer satisfaction, and enable staff to be more efficient and professional in what is often a stressful time for fleet managers.

Michael Nixon, managing director of Inter-est, said: “When a vehicle is off road, it is an expensive time for a fleet owner, and often precious days are lost when a vehicle is sent to the wrong type of facility and then re-directed.

What Inter-cept is able to do is assist in the decision making and correctly identify if the vehicle is drivable, if it’s repairable and if so where the vehicle should be sent, for example, a bodyshop or mobile technician.”