Cenex – the UK’s first centre of excellence for low carbon vehicle technologies – has announced its partnership with Voltimum, ahead of its annual Low Carbon Vehicle Event - LCV2013 - taking place in Millbrook on September 4 - 5 2013. Voltimum UK will be hosting a briefing session followed by an LCV2013 tour and e-mobility driving experience on 5th September 2013.

The Voltimum briefing entitled ‘Infrastructure for the Electric Vehicle Future,’ will be chaired by Eric Anderson, sales & marketing manager at Siemens and will include expert input from Voltimum UK and partners including ABB, BEAMA, Eaton, ECA, Legrand, IET, Schneider Electric and Siemens.

Robert Evans, CEO of Cenex said: "We are pleased to be working with Voltimum to help promote LCV2013 as a key event for UK electrical professionals to be updated on the latest developments in electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging points. The number of electric vehicle charging points across the UK is now estimated to exceed 10,000 in what is still early days for EV market development. We believe EV recharging will increasingly become a standard feature of building and car parking upgrades, as well as being a common addition to homes across the UK. The LCV2013 offers an excellent opportunity for electrical professionals to improve their understanding of this newly developing market.”

Margaret Fitzsimons of Voltimum said: "Cenex delivers the UK's premier event for showcasing electric vehicles and charging points. We are pleased to be working with Cenex to develop and deliver bespoke activities designed to make the LCV2013 a must-attend event for electrical contractors wanting to understand how to integrate EV recharging within the services they offer customers. We will be conducting tours for electrical professionals and running CPD activities."