A new product has been launched to help reduce tyre repair costs.

Puncture Safe is a safety product, installed into any size of tyre that can prevent accidents that are as a direct result of punctures. Both a time sensitive and heavy cost issue for many traders who rely on their vehicles to be available and functioning 24/7, punctures can cause more than just a nuisance. There are also the safety aspects involved that come with using tyres that have sustained punctures which can cause further inconvenience and injury.

Nigel Weller, who runs the Portsmouth region, said: “Tractors, trucks and lorries often suffer from punctures due to the nature of their work and replacing tyres is expensive. Therefore, I decided something had to be done to keep the costs down – that was where Puncture Safe came in”.

It is a gel-like substance that is easily installed through the air tube of the tyre and, once inside, turns solid, to help protect the tyre for the duration of its life.

“From the early interest I have received so far, I truly believe this is the answer that so many vehicle owners have been waiting for and I’m so pleased to be finally launching my business” added Weller.