Edinburgh Council is considering a 20mph network for the city centre, main shopping streets and residential areas, as part of its new Local Transport Strategy 2014-2019.
The new strategy aims to make progress towards Edinburgh's Transport 2030 Vision (that by 2030, the Scottish capital's transport system will be one of the greenest, healthiest and most accessible in northern Europe).
The strategy set outs a number of key actions intended to reduce carbon emissions, increase the city's resilience to the impact of climate change, and support sustainable and active travel.
The key priority actions in the new strategy include:
- Consulting on detailed proposals for the 20mph network for the city centre, main shopping streets and residential areas.
- Reviewing city centre parking, Sunday parking and residents' parking as part of an overarching Parking Action Plan.
- Piloting the installation of 'school streets' closures at between three and five schools
- Evaluating options to reduce emissions in the city centre.
The strategy follows the recently published Census 2011 results which showed the Scottish capital outstripping other Scottish cities in the growth of people cycling, walking and travelling by bus to work.
Councillor Lesley Hinds, transport and environment convener, said: "We were absolutely delighted with the number and quality of responses and feedback we received to help us shape the Local Transport Strategy.
"The next five years will be a particularly exciting period for transport in Edinburgh – the trams are almost complete, the City is moving towards a more integrated transport network, Transport for Edinburgh is in place.
"We need to make sure we keep Edinburgh moving smartly and efficiently and we look forward to working hard with our partners now to add detail to the vision and to achieve the LTS's challenging objectives.
"This is undoubtedly quite a radical document but it's also a practical one. We hope people will take ownership of it and think that it's the right way forward."
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