A progess report on a major project which uses artificial intelligence to control traffic lights to reduce congestion and air pollution will be given at this year’s Fleet & Mobility Live.

The University of Huddersfield’s AI4UTMC research team has worked with Simplifai Systems to develop the technology, which recently received a patent approval.

Fleets were invited to take part in the project at a recent Fleet200 meeting in Barnsley, where Keith McCabe, transport technology industry carbon ambassador and CEO of Simplifai told members: “Managing networks is more complex than it was five years ago, and what we’re trying to achieve is more complex as well.

“In the past you would simply set up the traffic lights based on an average Tuesday and leave them for the next day; the challenge now is that there is no such thing as an average Tuesday.

“The biggest change was how travel patterns have changed as a result of covid. People don’t go to work in the same way, people don’t shop the same way as they used to, their leisure activities happen at different times of the day.”

McCabe will speak in a session panel entitled ‘how AI & Chat GPT can revolutionise fleet management and travel and boost your productivity and efficiency’ to provide an update on the project.

Stuart Robertson, partner at lEK Consulting, will also present in the session.

The two-day show, which is being held on October 8-9 at the NEC, Birmingham, will feature a packed schedule of expert best practice and case studies that tackle the most pressing issues facing fleet and mobility professionals.

McCabe and Roberston join more than 30 key speakers are already confirmed to offer expert advice and share best practice for running safe and compliant car and van fleets in a packed schedule of panel discussions and presentations.

With more speakers to be confirmed over the coming weeks, fleet and mobility decision-makers simply cannot afford to miss this free-to-attend event that offers them the opportunity to learn, connect and share experiences.

Other key topics covered at the show include the role of technology in running a safe and compliant fleet, managing drivers, planning a workplace infrastructure, planning fleet electrification, how to be an outstanding leader, cost control, alternative fuels, the role of a modern fleet manager and much more.

Other speakers confirmed include Lorna McAtear, head of fleet at National Grid, Bob Murphy, technical executive at Scottish Power, Sara Sloman, director of The EV Café, Dale Eynon, fleet director at Defra, James Rooney, head of fleet at Network Rail, John Mark Williams, CEO of the Institute of Leadership, Zebrina Hanly, head of environment & climate change at Royal Mail and Chris Connors, head of fleet and travel (UK and Ireland).

There is also a dedicated Public Sector Hub with content over two days specifically tailored to public sector fleets.

Download the agenda here / confirmed speakers

This year the event will have three theatres delivering fleet-specific content:

Fleet Fundamentals Theatre: this will look at some of the everyday basics of running a fleet, such as safety, compliance and electrification. 

Strategy & Leadership Theatre: Focusing on areas of the sector having the greatest effect on the way fleets operate, offering advice and insight to give fleet decision-makers the confidence to make the right decisions and form the best strategies.

Fleet Matrix Theatre: Aimed at HR, finance and procurement professionals, sessions in this theatre will recognise that fleet responsibilities can be part of other departments across an organisation.

Other show attractions will include a public sector hub and an Association of Fleet Professionals stand where members will provide a warm welcome as well offer fleet management advice and more to visitors.

The ECV Café will also be at the show offering tips and advice on making the switch to zero emissions vehicles.