XPO Logistics launches Female Driver Academy

XPO has created a new Female Driver Academy to help attract more women into the industry.

The female drivers who join the academy will undertake a 12 to 16-week programme using the XPO Logistics internal driver training team to develop and sharpen their skills.

Lynn Brown, vice president of human resources for the UK and Ireland at XPO Logistics, said: “We will be employing the candidates from day one so they can earn a living while training to become a vital part of our team.

“Our customer, Saint-Gobain UK and Ireland, has backed the initiative by offering roles in their British Gypsum and PAM operations.

“Our trainer will buddy our candidates, ensuring they can learn from someone who has first-hand experience of what they are going through and can provide the best possible support.”

The XPO Female Driver Academy is part of the company’s Driver Excellence Academy, which was established to help people from all backgrounds who wish to train as an HGV driver.

The only requirement is that participants must be aged 18 to drive an HGV.

Each Driver Excellence Academy trainee works towards receiving the relevant qualification for the type of vehicle they want to drive.

For example, a Cat B car licence can be upskilled to a Cat Class C (Rigid) or Cat CE (Artic). It is possible to go straight from a Cat B to a Cat CE licence.

Ferryspeed saves more than £250,000 in trailer costs

Ferryspeed has announced savings of more than £250,000 in trailer procurement by optimising operations with Webfleet.

The freight shipping specialist, which provides storage and next-day deliveries to and from the Channel Islands, introduced Webfleet to enhance its ability to track and manage its fleet of more than 600 vehicles and trailers.

The platform’s dedicated trailer management solution has led to a 20% improvement in trailer utilisation.

Nick Green, group executive director at Ferryspeed, said: “We can now procure trailers that precisely meet our needs, resulting in substantial cost savings.

“Webfleet has even enabled us to design multi-purpose trailers by accurately identifying the specific nature of our trips, reducing the overall number of trailers required.

“This strategic approach has streamlined our fleet management processes, ensuring the right trailer is always deployed for the right job, boosting overall productivity.”

In addition, Ferryspeed has made fuel savings and reduced incidents of idling by monitoring driver behaviour with Webfleet OptiDrive 360

“These significant advancements underscore our company-wide commitment to operational excellence, superior customer service and sustainability,” Green concluded.

idVerde turns to electric power from Aebi Schmidt to meet Olympic Park contract

Grounds maintenance provider idVerde is employing an all-electric eSwingo from Aebi Schmidt as part of a new contract to reduce carbon emissions at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

The Park is governed by the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC), with whom idVerde has had a contract for the last 10 years.

However, a new contract, issued to idVerde in January this year for a further eight years, also included managing the roads, pathways and boulevards of the park for the first time with as little environmental impact as possible.

To meet the brief, idVerde approached four or five different compact sweeper suppliers and carried out trials of appropriate machines before selecting the eSwingo as the most suitable for the task in hand.

Fleet and asset manager, Adam Wilkes, said: “We wanted a machine with zero emissions as reducing carbon and lessening the environmental impact of keeping the park clean and tidy was a key part of the contract.

“But we also wanted manoeuvrability and flexibility in the sweeper due to the topography of the park which has been designed to be visitor-friendly with lots of twisting, winding pathways, tight corners and aesthetically appealing vistas. The eSwingo has ticked all our boxes.”

The eSwingo is deployed around the park five days a week on an eight hour shift with charging overnight onsite and with one designated operator driver.  

Aebi Schmidt UK sales manager, Matthew Elderkin, said: “We have had a great relationship with idVerde for a number of years so were delighted when they opted for the eSwingo to meet the new contract with the LLDC at the Olympic Park.

“The eSwingo fits perfectly in line with its environmental objectives and is ideal for the job in question.”

Grundon invests £750k in new driver programme

Grundon Waste Management is investing £750,000 in Samsara’s Connected Operations Platform over the coming three years.

It will include the rolling out a new artificial intelligence (AI) led driver safety programme across its 300-plus commercial fleet.

A key part of the rollout is Samsara’s dual-facing AI dashcams, which provide instant feedback to drivers via AI-led in-cab audio alerts.

Drivers can also download the Samsara App, enabling them to monitor their own behaviour using a points-based system.

Chris Double, Grundon’s regional operations manager, said: “During the trials and training period, Samsara’s dual-facing AI dashcams received very positive feedback from our drivers, who were both enthusiastic and engaged with the whole process.

“It’s also important to note that having this technology also helps us acknowledge and reward good performance.

“For instance, if a driver has to take sudden avoiding action due to someone unexpectedly stepping into the road, then we can shine a light on their efforts which otherwise would have gone unnoticed.”

Over a six-month period, the two Samsara trials showed an impressive 71% reduction in detected events and also demonstrated increased fuel efficiencies as drivers were encouraged to optimise fuel efficiency and minimise idling.

Once in place fleet-wide, such measures are expected to reduce fuel costs by around £220,000 per year.

Utilities contractor selects Vanaways for vehicles

CKR Utilities, which is based in Heywood in Greater Manchester, has selected Vanaways as its vehicle provider.

It has purchased seven Iveco Daily MWB vans, having previously hired all of its 52 fleet vehicles.

As the company continues to grow, CKR is now looking to expand its offering, starting with a traffic management division.

Fleet manager Darren Wheatcroft said: “Like any business we are susceptible to a fluctuating workload, so we need to be careful that we don’t buy more vehicles than we need.

“However, it’s become clear that there are major advantages to buying vehicles both in terms of availability and long-term cost, so it makes sense logistically and financially.”

Hannah Pearson, Vanaways’ regional business development manager for the north and the Midlands, added: “It’s great to be able to bring our full range of deals and suppliers to companies like CKR Utilities so we can genuinely offer them the solution that works best for them.

“There are some amazing fleet opportunities out there for companies which are able to think outside the box, and we enjoy helping open up those avenues.”

AI cameras across cash in transit fleet improve safety

Cash in transit specialist Pivotal has hailed the significant benefits delivered by the introduction of smart cameras across its 165-strong vehicle fleet.

A month-long trial conducted earlier this year, demonstrated how the addition of the AI-powered multi-camera system, combined with Michelin Connected Fleet’s data analysis tools, had boosted driver performance and safety.

Charlene Quayle, group fleet manager at Pivotal, said: “The AI cameras can identify driver fatigue and distraction, or the inappropriate use of a mobile phone while driving.

“Combined with on-board telematics data, it’s proved invaluable in assisting me as a driving assessor in boosting driver performance and rewarding our best.”

As well as providing insight into in-cab driver behaviour, the AI algorithm can identify and trigger a live camera feed for events such as harsh braking or rapid acceleration. Drivers also receive real-time proximity alerts for pedestrians, cyclists and following vehicles.

“Being able to see what’s happening in real time brings with it huge peace of mind, allowing us to keep our drivers safe,” added Quayle.

Grant Robson, global business director at Michelin Connected Fleet, said: “Our smart camera solution offers huge benefits to operators, including ensuring the safety of drivers and other road users, improving driver behaviours and quickly establishing liability in incidents.”

Pivotal operates from eight locations in Ireland, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland, providing more than 30,000 CVIT services per month, as well as ATM replenishment.